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FREE SUPPORT +1.202-510-8094

ProBiz Network Program Outline:

Vision:            The Ultimate Small Business Resource For Success

Mission:  To increase revenue and profits for SMEs (Small-Medium Entrepreneurs) through marketing, business development and teaming.

            To identify opportunities for SMEs in the local, state, federal and private sector.

To develop increased capacity and capability for SMEs through technical assistance, teaming and mentorship.

To identify funding resources for SMEs through access to capital, debt, equity and A/R financing.

Definition of Terms:

            Capacity – cash money, credit, assets, equipment and qualified personnel

            Capability – past performance, technical expertise and consistent core competence.

Programs-       1) ProBiz Conference – one day event featuring expert speakers, information packed seminars, interactive exhibitors, VIP keynote speakers, peer to peer networking, and match-making.

2) Executive Coaching – one-on-one counseling, advice, planning, assessment and evaluation.

                        3) Bi-Monthly Networking events with VIP speakers

                        4) Monthly communications updates in newsletter and website

                        5) Funding resources – debt and equity

6) Global access to markets – technical assistance, export and import opportunities

7) ProBiz Success Track – three part series from start-up to $2-5 million in revenue to $25 million. Ultimate merger and acquisition status.Type your paragraph here.